Branches rubbing on each other or against gutters or siding damage the bark which can result in die back as well. A good full prune will last 3-5 years before needing pruned again.
Thinning allows sunlight and wind to pass through the tree as well as reducing the risk of storm damage when we get the wet heavy snows while the leaves are still on. Removal of deadwood allows the tree to use less energy trying to push water and nutrients to a dead branch that is no longer there and putting that energy to the rest of the healthy part of the tree increasing vigorous growth.
Thinning allows sunlight and wind to pass through the tree as well as reducing the risk of storm damage when we get the wet heavy snows while the leaves are still on. Removal of deadwood allows the tree to use less energy trying to push water and nutrients to a dead branch that is no longer there and putting that energy to the rest of the healthy part of the tree increasing vigorous growth.
Branches rubbing on each other or against gutters or siding damage the bark which can result in die back as well. A good full prune will last 3-5 years before needing pruned again.
2536 S. Delaware Street,
Denver, CO 80223
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2536 S. Delaware Street,
Denver, CO 80223
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